[Spellyans] Maga again

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 19:10:08 GMT 2008

When Maga say:

Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw rennys ynter an Unyans  
Europek, an Asran rag Kemenethow ha Governans Leel ha Konsel Konteth  

it sounds rather as though the three organisations in question are  
peculating the funds of the partnership and dividing it among  

Surely it would have been better to have said (in KS spelling)  
something like:

Yma Kescowethyans an Tavas Kernowek scodhys gans mona dhyworth an  
Unyans Ewropek, an Asran rag Kemenethow ha Governans Leel ha Consel  

Who is responsible for these rather unidiomatic translations?

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