[Spellyans] Europek

Jon Mills j.mills at email.com
Mon Dec 8 09:21:16 GMT 2008

Dan,How are you organising the alphabetical list of words regarding the
variant spellings. Are you cross-referencing to a single canonical form,
e.g. whath see hwath.Jon

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Daniel Prohaska"
  To: "'Standard Cornish discussion list'"
  Subject: Re: [Spellyans] Europek
  Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2008 13:28:51 +0100


I’m currently working on an SWF dictionary that includes all forms,
Main, Traditional and Late. I also continue to add proposals for Late
Variants where I feel they are needed. The bulk of the dictionary is more
or less finished, but only partially proofread. Luckily Nicholas keeps
providing me with extra words that have thus been excluded in George’s
Gerlver Kres. It’s still very much work in progress, so I’m afraid
you’ll have to be patient a little while longer.


-----Original Message-----
From: ajtrim at msn.com
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 12:26 AM

“I would very much like to have a dictionary for the newer
orthographies (i.e. traditional SWF & KS). I assume that these are in

All we have at present is a list of words in the SWF specification. It is
now 6 months since the SWF specification appeared, and we still cannot
use it.

I realise that these things take a lot of time - no real problem there.
However, what should we do in the meantime whilst we are waiting?

The best that I have is a copy of the UCR dictionary (though I have
dictionaries for KK and UC as well.)

Are there any rules that we could follow to respell UCR so that it would
be closer to the newer orthographies?

I know that the result would not be completely accurate, but it may be
better than following the dictionary now that we know it is out of date.

Can I assume that the macrons should now be ignored except in
monosyllables? Can I assume that the raised full stops are still current
information regarding stress?

Are there simple rules for respelling <y> to <i>and for respelling
diphthongs, etc?

For example, should we now respell all <ue> to <eu> and all <eu> to <ew>?

That would probably leave a few single or double consonants as the only
significant difference, and a few unstressed schwa vowels would have the
wrong graphs.

Progression to the newer orthographies would then be a small step -
smaller than going from one document to another in the Traditional
Cornish texts.


Andrew J. Trim”


From: "Michael Everson" <everson at evertype.com>

Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 12:33 AM

> On 5 Dec 2008, at 23:44, <ajtrim at msn.com> <ajtrim at msn.com> wrote:


>> How should the combination ewro be pronounced?


> [ˈeʊroʊ], as though <ewrow>


>> The UCR dictionary gives Ewrópek (with o-macron).

>> Is there stress on the ó?


> Of course.


>> Is the o long?


> Vowels are only long in monosyllables.




> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com



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Dr. Jon Mills,
School of European Culture and Languages,
University of Kent

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