[Spellyans] Interest in Cornish

Craig Weatherhill craig at agantavas.org
Wed Dec 17 13:07:05 GMT 2008

Done proper, as we d'say down to West Penwith.  Welcome, Ashby.


On 16 Kev 2008, at 19:08, ASHBYTABB at aol.com wrote:

> My interest in the Cornish language dates from 1960. It has two  
> basic motivations:
> 1: Ancestral. I have Cornish ancestors on the male side, and have  
> relatives descended from Cornishmen.
> 2: A lifelong amateur interest in language.I w given, and devoured -  
> a copy of Frederick Bodmer's Loom of Language when I was 11 years old.
> Apart from these, I am a bit of a fuss-pot about things being done  
> right (that's my Cornish grandfather), and getting the spelling of  
> our language as near dight as possible is a matter of great interest  
> to me.
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Craig Weatherhill

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