[Spellyans] long and short forms of bos

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Mon Dec 29 15:25:39 GMT 2008

On 29 Dec 2008, at 09:59, Ray Chubb wrote:

> For example even though the views of Nicholas and Ray Edwards have  
> coincided on many points of grammar most people of all orthographic  
> persuasions, including some teachers of Cornish, are unwilling to  
> make any changes.  Not even simple ones like 'dheworth' instead of  
> 'deworth' and 'yn gwyr' instead of 'yn whyr'.  Do these people want  
> to speak Cornish or Pidgin Cornish?

I very much agree with Ray here. And so would Jenner and Nance and  
Smith have done, I am sure.

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com

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