December 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Dec 2 12:49:05 GMT 2008
Ending: Wed Dec 31 22:31:20 GMT 2008
Messages: 208
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Learn Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
An Menystror
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
An Menystror
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
An Menystror
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Pellwolok Gernewek
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'dhe' as at
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] preterite of bos
Clive Baker
- [Spellyans] dohajedh
Clive Baker
- [Spellyans] honen and onen
Clive Baker
- [Spellyans] honen and onen
tim hall
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] Preterite of 'gallus'
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] y-umlaut in 'Beunans Meriasek' ?
Owen Cook
- [Spellyans] Lyther Nowodhow Kevardhu 2008
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Lyther Nowodhow Kevardhu 2008
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] Europek
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Europek
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Europek
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Maga again
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Europek
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] Europek
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Europek
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] MAGA newsletter 2008.12 - again!
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] Europek
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] Europek
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] Europek
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] Gerlyver an FSS
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] keigwin's cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] keigwin's cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] keigwin's cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Christian Semmens
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] New member introduction
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] emendations to the SWF
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Emendations to the SWF Specification
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] emendations to the SWF
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] emendations to the SWF
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] emendations to the SWF
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] emendations to the SWF
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] budhy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Clive Baker
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] dhe hag y
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] dhe hag y
callanish at
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] del 'leaves' and dèl/dell 'so, as'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] Interest in Cornish
- [Spellyans] Interest in Cornish
Ashby Tabb
- [Spellyans] Interest in Cornish
Christian Semmens
- [Spellyans] Interest in Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] musyn
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] Interest in Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Christian Semmens
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Kernuack at
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Thomas Leigh
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
ajtrim at
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] A new book by Ann Jenkin
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] "In the meantime"
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] A new book by Ann Jenkin
Owen Cook
- [Spellyans] A new book by Ann Jenkin
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] A new book by Ann Jenkin
Owen Cook
- [Spellyans] <kk> and <ck>
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] Cornish on Government website
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The Christmas Story
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
janicelobb at
- [Spellyans] Cornish on Government website
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Cornish on Government website
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] long and short forms of bos
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Owen Cook
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] "Thank you"
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Your message to Spellyans awaits moderator approval
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Why KS is important in light of SWF/M and SWF/T
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Christian Semmens
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Your message to Spellyans awaits moderator approval
Clive Baker
- [Spellyans] 'stranger'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Chy, pl. treven
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Chy, pl. treven
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Chy, pl. treven
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Chy, pl. treven
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] treven as the plural of chy
Michael Everson
Last message date:
Wed Dec 31 22:31:20 GMT 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 24 09:15:32 BST 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).