[Spellyans] [Kernowak] Spellyans going live soon

Ken MacKinnon kenmackinnon at enterprise.net
Mon Jun 9 17:35:34 BST 2008

Ken MacKinnon.  Lifelong interests in Celtic languages firmed up an interest
in Cornish after publication of An Independent Academic Study of Cornish in
2000 ( commisioined by GOSW)  Wartime evacuee in Cornwall ( Summercourt and
St.Ives ) opened up awareness of Cornish language and subsequent acquisition
of Gaelic (from  his own family background).  Has taken language board exams
to third grade ( in Unified) and some of the fourth grade papers.  Strong
interest in KS - and also KD. Has atetnded KK weekends.  Extensive research
in Gaelic-speaking communities and sociodemographics.

Hope this will do - an Ken ken

(Prof) Ken MacKinnon,
Ivy Cottage, Ferintosh,
The Black Isle, by Dingwall,
Ross-shire  IV7 8HX
Tel: 01349 - 863460
E-mail: kenmackinnon at enterprise.net

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