[Spellyans] Spellyans

Mary Williams marywilliams230 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 17 11:40:59 BST 2008


I'm Mary Williams, I live in Cornwall and became interested in the 
language in the last couple of years. I did French at school, but 
have hardly used it for real but can usually get the drift of written 
stuff and conversation (if not too fast!) but can't really speak it.

I have been looking at what is available on Cornish in the libraries 
but find the different spellings (and different grammars) confusing! 
The differences are for me a real put off from learning the language, 
so I'm trying to get my head around the different approaches. I'm 
also trying not to be put off by some of the nasty arguments I have 
seen on Cornwall 24.. I really want to learn, but I don't want to 
start and then have to re-learn! I'd like to start a family before 
too long and would love to be able to bring my kids up with at least 
some Cornish!
So, if it is all right with you, I'd like to sit in on your 
discussions which - I hope! - will help me to decide where to go from 


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