[Spellyans] <y Y> + diacritical

Eddie Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 18:00:08 BST 2008

Of all the accented letters, <y Y> is perhaps the most problematic  
for some computer fonts/keyboards. If I'm right in thinking that  
there would only ever be one single accent to go on a <y Y>, then  
maybe the rule should read:

> "For this phoneme, the recommended combining diacritic on <y Y> is  
> the circumflex, as used by Lhuyd. However, if your keyboard or  
> chosen font lacks this particular option, the following are  
> acceptable:
> -- <y Y> with combining umlaut/diaeresis
> -- <y Y> with combining grave,  acute or macron accent
> -- as a last resort (for the likes of emails or bulletin boards),  
> <y Y> followed by the non-combining < ^ > or < \ > characters."


On 24 Jun 2008, at 14:59, Owen Cook wrote:

> 2008/6/24 A. J. Trim <ajtrim at msn.com>:
>> The Late Cornish chei, kei, crei could be written chy, ky, cry.
>> Final <y> could be an umbrella graph for the <-i> & <-ei> of the  
>> current
>> SWF, and the result looks more authentically based on Tudor spelling.
> Yes, I agree with this suggestion too.
> Actually, Jenner wrote y-circumflex in such items, and personally I
> think this would be the best solution for our purposes as well.
> (Michael, however, will raise font limitations as an objection.
> Personally, I rarely use a font unless it has extensive Unicode
> support, so this is irrelevant to me, but there's probably something
> to it for the majority of Cornish users.)

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