[Spellyans] <y Y> + diacritical

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 12:57:07 BST 2008

I am sorry you don't like <chei>. Nicholas Boson didn't mind it:

Dean ha Bennen en Tellar creiez chei an Horr
ha uor an diuath ea reeg thoas da chei Teeack
Komeer weeth na Raw’y Ostia en chei lebma vo dean koath Demithez da  
Bennen Younk.

Ironically enough <kei> 'dog' is attested but SWF (< KK) ki is not. In  
MC the word is spelt ky.
Similarly chy is common and is attested over 60 times. SWF chi (< KK)  
occurs once:

citesens gans an an syns, ha ran an chi a thu, ha buldyys owgh war an  
fondacion an abosteleth, han prophettys TH 33.


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