[Spellyans] <y Y> + diacritical

Christian Semmens christian.semmens at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 13:17:43 BST 2008

Its purely an aesthetic thing with me. I like chi and ki even less
than I like chei and kei. I always preferred chy, ky.


2008/6/25 nicholas williams <njawilliams at gmail.com>:
> I am sorry you don't like <chei>. Nicholas Boson didn't mind it:
> Dean ha Bennen en Tellar creiez chei an Horr
> ha uor an diuath ea reeg thoas da chei Teeack
> Komeer weeth na Raw'y Ostia en chei lebma vo dean koath Demithez da Bennen
> Younk.
> Ironically enough <kei> 'dog' is attested but SWF (< KK) ki is not. In MC
> the word is spelt ky.
> Similarly chy is common and is attested over 60 times. SWF chi (< KK) occurs
> once:
> citesens gans an an syns, ha ran an chi a thu, ha buldyys owgh war an
> fondacion an abosteleth, han prophettys TH 33.
> Nicholas
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