[Spellyans] Front unrounded vowels, was: The quantity system

Owen Cook owen.e.cook at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 14:18:12 BST 2008

Mac users are also, as a rule, more tech-savvy people than PC users.
They're a lot more likely to see a problem like this as something
fixable, then figure out how to fix it. Michael's already admitted
he'll have no problem with y-acute in Quark, so that settles the Mac
typesetter's dilemma.

And besides Unicode, what about PDFs, which will look the same on any
machine? What about internet browsers that just select a font
appropriate to the characters used on a web page?

I don't think y-acute is an unsolvable problem. Cross-linguistically,
the acute is also the better choice of accent. If we must have accents
for these words at all. Like Dan, I don't really see what the problem
is with simply having dedh and dydh.


2008/6/25 Jon Mills <j.mills at email.com>:
> Michael,
> Why can't Macs read and write diacritics (other than diaresis) above <y>? I would have thought in
> this day of Unicode fonts .... If what you say is true, then it seems to me a good reason for using
> a PC.
> Jon

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