[Spellyans] RLC <h> for <gh>
Owen Cook
owen.e.cook at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 14:42:28 BST 2008
2008/6/25 Michael Everson <everson at evertype.com> rug scrifa:
> At 15:57 +0300 2008-06-25, Owen Cook wrote:
>>My point is that conscientious Cornish users should use <'eth>, as
>>in the SWF, even if they would not normally use <'Edhewon> or other
>>cases of yod-dropping.
> I despise the initial apostrophe which is guaranteed to end up
> pointing the wrong direction.
This is the fault of ignorant typers. I really don't think we can do
away with a better spelling just because many people don't know how to
undo, or turn off, Microsoft Word's ill-named smart quotes. It's an
easy fix. Anyway, 'eth is not a word you have to use in every
sentence, unlike for example 'n in Afrikaans.
>>Actually, if I had my druthers, we would just write <eyth> as Tregear
>>did. The odd case of metathesis should not unduly shock anybody.
> That would be [@iT] however in KS and SWF orthography.
How can we be sure this isn't how Tregear pronounced it? The word
never appears in Lhuyd. As I said before, the odd case of metathesis
should not unduly shock anybody.
Oll an gwelha,
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