[Spellyans] <y Y> + diacritical

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Fri Jun 27 23:56:47 BST 2008

At 00:50 +0200 2008-06-28, Koumanonff wrote:
>You should know that whe do use diacrises, but when we use 
>electronic devices as messageries, Google, it's better not use them, 
>and some of us don't. Lucky of us, French is known enough, so 
>Internet and others don't mind.
>As it is, I think that diacrises is good for teaching but you don't 
>want it would be welcome after a sort of use of them. When people 
>would be taught they won't do any use of them.

I don't agree. In Irish, in French, in Hungarian, in German, in 
Spanish, people use diacritics every day.
Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com

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