[Spellyans] <ay> ~ <ai> in KS = <ay> in SWF
Terry Corbett
teli7777 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 18:12:49 BST 2008
I think Michael's suggestion about using ai is the right way to go.
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Michael Everson <everson at evertype.com>
> At 14:33 +0100 2008-06-30, nicholas williams wrote:
> >In KS we sensibly distinguish <ai> [E:] from <ay> [ai].
> >
> >The SWF has decided that only <ay> is to be used. Thus in Dan's dictionary
> we
> >find:
> >
> >Almayn [almaIn]
> >mayn [maIn] + [mE:n]
> >chayn [tSaIn] + [tSE:n]
> >playn [plaIn] + [plE:n] 'carpenter's plane'
> >but plen 'plain' (adj) and 'playing place, plain' as [ple:n].
> >
> >But surely playn 'plane' and plen 'plain' have the same vowel.
> >They are, after all, the same word < Latin planus 'level'.
> >
> >There seems to be confusion here in the SWF which needs to be sorted out.
> The SWF only allows <ay> and <e>. Since <ay> is
> [aI] (as in the particle <may>) There's no way
> these other words can be written <ay>.
> It is [me:n], not [maIn]: therefore <mên> or <main> are the choices.
> It is [tSe:n], not [tSaIn]: therefore <chên> or <chain> are the choices.
> It is [tSe:r], not [tSaIr]: therefore <chêr> or <chair> are the choices.
> It is [ple:n], not [plaIn]: therefore <plên> or <plain> are the choices.
> It is ['alme:n], not ['almaIn]: therefore <Almên> or <Almain> are the
> choices.
> Since either <ê> or <ai> would be a change from the SWF, I suggest we use
> <ai>.
> The same argument holds for <au>, which is neither <ô> nor <aw>.
> --
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com
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