[Spellyans] Final 'dh' and the yogh

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 09:42:45 BST 2008

Yogh is not uncommon in final position the Charter Fragment (<3> for  

golsoug ty cowe3
by3 na bor3 me3

ha ty a vy3 hy
hy a vy3 gwreg ty da

an bar3 ma 3e pons tamar
my ad pes worty by3 da
ag ol 3e vo3 hy a wra.

In PA one finds:

deso benyn yn me3a PA 198c which is for 'Deso, benyn,' yn me3 a 'To  
thee, woman,' he said.

But yogh in final position is rare in PA and unknown in the BM,  
Ordinalia, BK and Tregear.


On 20 Oct 2008, at 09:04, Michael Everson wrote:

> Yogh seems to be used initially and medially.

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