[Spellyans] Final 'dh' and the yogh

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Tue Oct 21 11:15:27 BST 2008

On 21 Oct 2008, at 13:56, Ray Chubb wrote:

> The more I look at the historical texts the more I realise that  
> Nance had very good reasons for making the decisions that he made.
> It is clear now that he used only 'th' finally because the yorgh  
> finally was rare.

Yogh, not yorgh.

> For those of us that prefer to write keeping to the most commonly  
> found spelling rules of the scribes it seems logical to drop final  
> 'dh' and perhaps show when it occurs with a diacritical mark or  
> accent, if we wish.

It is confusing to me what you are saying. There is, for instance, a  
difference between a polysyllable and a monosyllable insofar as -th  
and -dh is concerned.

> Changing from 'th' to 'dh' can cause problems;  final 'th' stops  
> mutation of t, c/k, p and d, if we substitute 'dh' we should write,  
> for example, 'fordh goth' instead of 'forth coth'.  To me it seems  
> incorrect that an arbitrary decision to use either 'th' or 'dh' can  
> affect the the way in which mutation is applied.

I believe we eschew -dh in nearly all if not all polysyllables.

For those monosyllables with yogh it is certainly a good idea to use - 

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com

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