[Spellyans] Adjectives that premodify their noun

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 14:38:06 GMT 2010

In the first place we should probably distinguish borrowed adjectives  
like dysawor, perfect and chyf from words inherited from Common  
Among such indigenous adjectives that precede their noun we should  

drog-, hager-, berr-, as Jon suggests.

Probably here also belongs leun:

e.g. leun-golon PA 25c, 30a; leun vanneth BM 21; lene amyndys TH 12a

Gwir may be used before its noun:
gwyer Thew BK 194; hag un gwyer Thew  BK 254 and after: in quarel  
gwyer BK 1504.

As far as the borrowed adjectives are concerned, chyf seems always to  
precede its noun (as does chief in English).

Another borrowing that is almost always used as a prefix is fals:

a fals huder OM 565; fals duwow OM 1882; a fals prophettys TH 19a; An  
fals brybours BK 743, etc.
The only exceptions I can find are Iudas fals PA 36a; a dus fals PA 90d.


On 18 Gen 2010, at 10:32, j.mills at email.com wrote:

> Or is there some sort of rule that governs when a noun is  
> premodified and when it is postmodified?

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