[Spellyans] A word count of Cornish

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Sat Jan 23 00:18:10 GMT 2010

On 22 Jan 2010, at 21:56, Nige Martin wrote:

> How do the 'non-learned' subscribers/internet users gain access to  
> these and are there any video/DVD/CD lessons available for purchase?

All of those books can be purchased from Spyrys a Gernow, or from  
Amazon.co.uk. As far as multimedia, nothing is available at present.  
Some of us have talked about it however.

> Sorry for the questions but I'm over in Belgium and, having  
> purchased Skeul An Tavas, want to move forward in learning Cornish.

Well, which version of Skeul an Tavas did you get?

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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