[Spellyans] difasya

Eddie Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 6 17:46:26 BST 2010

Nance 1938 has 'facya', and Williams 2006 gives 'facya, dyfacya,  
dyfacys', which all seem acceptable to me.

Eddie Foirbeis Climo
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On 6 Hed 2010, at 15:09, Michael Everson wrote:

> The spelling "difasya", wherever it comes from, would be pronounced  
> [dɪˈfæzjə] or [dɪˈfæʒə] according to our rules. We would not  
> spell the first segment "di" either, as that would violate the  
> principled distribution of "i" and "y" that we use.
> For "de" versus "dy" I believe the latter is the typical form in  
> Cornish, though an exhaustive listing of this type of word would be  
> interesting if someone would like to compile one.
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