[Spellyans] difasya

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 09:31:09 BST 2010

There is juncture in cos+yorgh as the word is a compound, so the rule does not apply.
Syans we spell sians, so the rule does not apply.
In browsyon, elsyon  the sound is [zj], so the rule does not apply.
If devesyow is the separative plural of davas 'sheep', spelt devysyow in UC, the s is voiced (as in browsyon and elsyon)
but there is already a plural devejyow (Nance's devyjyow).


On 2010 Hed 7, at 09:18, j.mills at email.com wrote:

> syans, browsyon, devesyow,elsyon and cosyorgh?

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