[Spellyans] Box
A. J. Trim
ajtrim at msn.com
Sat Oct 9 14:51:16 BST 2010
So why not use the word <box> for "a box"?
The word for "a desk" is given as SWF <desk>, and there is a rule that the
vowel is long before -sk. (ref: Pronunciation and Variants, A Supplement to
An English - Cornish Glossary in the Standard Written Form by Albert Bock,
Benjamin Bruch, Neil Kennedy, Daniel Prohaska, and Laurence Rule Version:
Does this mean that <desk> is also pronounced long? It was apparently short
in UCR.
Andrew J. Trim
From: "nicholas williams" <njawilliams at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:31 PM
To: "Standard Cornish discussion list" <spellyans at kernowek.net>
Subject: Re: [Spellyans] Box
> Kist surely rhymes with Krist and trist and must be understood as long.
> The word kyst 'box' doesn't seem to be attested in the texts.
> There is a word <gyst> but that has initial [dZ] and means 'joist, beam'.
> KK had difficulty with this word and spelt it both <kist> and <kyst>.
> On 2010 Hed 9, at 13:19, A. J. Trim wrote:
>> The SWF is actually worse than you say here.
>> As I understand it, the SWF rules state that either i or y can be long or
>> short, so in the SWF (with no clear rules for using i or y) even kyst
>> would be long, by the rule that the vowel is long before -st. The SWF
>> cannot write this short, unless it writes kisst or kysst - oh dear!
>> KS does have clear rules, and can.
>> Are there any other words like this (i.e. monosyllables ending in
>> short -ist or -yst) in the SWF or is this a single easily learnt
>> exception?
>> Regards,
>> Andrew J. Trim
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Michael Everson" <everson at evertype.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 10:10 AM
>> To: "Spellyans" <spellyans at kernowek.net>
>> Subject: [Spellyans] Box
>>> SWF gives kist but this must be [kiːst] according to the SWF's rules of
>>> length. But Nance and Williams give kyst [kɪst], not *kȳst, and Gendall
>>> gives kist [kɪst], not *kîst. A long vowel is incorrect here; the
>>> spelling in SWF should be kyst; it is kyst in KS.
>>> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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