[Spellyans] Box

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Sat Oct 9 16:12:47 BST 2010

On 9 Oct 2010, at 21:34, nicholas williams wrote:

> Surely the word is ultimately the Latin cista, Greek kiste.

[OE. cest, *ciest, cist, cyst (:
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*cesta) str. fem., app. an early adoption of L. cista, a. Gr. ????? box, chest. Cf. OFris. kiste, (MDu. kiste, Du. kist), OHG. chista (MHG. and Ger. kiste):
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*kista str. fem. ON. kista wk. fem. (Sw. kista, Da. kiste, was prob. a later adoption. Cf. KIST, CIST. (Some claim for OE. cest a native origin, connecting it with Ger. kasten box.)] 

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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