[Spellyans] -ious

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 20:30:43 BST 2010

There's also the comparative the belha ha the weusa 'further and more wanderingly' TH 17a. This is from gwyus in UC, our gwius.

On 2010 Hed 9, at 20:19, Michael Everson wrote:

> I was talking to Nicholas about "gloryes" 'glorious' and he gave me the following similar examples:
> gracius, gracyus, grassijs, grassyes, grassyeys, grassies
> ongrassijs, ongrassyeys, ongrassyes, ongrassijs, ongrassyas, vngrasshes
> precius, precyous, precyus, presivs, presius, presyus
> contraryus
> Nance has:
> contraryus
> delycyous
> dyscrassyes
> envȳes
> grassyes
> *melodyes
> precyous
> spȳtys (< ME spytus)
> ungrassyes
> vyctōryes
> All of these (except spȳtys) have the same origin, ME -ious < Lat -iosus
> Ought we not write, regularly, the following?
> contraryùs
> delycyùs
> dyscrassyùs
> enviùs
> grassyùs
> *melodyùs
> precyùs
> spîtùs (?)
> ungrassyùs
> vyctoryùs
> It does not seem to make sense to have -yus and -yous and -yes since the etymology and pronunciation is the same.
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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