[Spellyans] Box

Daniel Prohaska daniel at ryan-prohaska.com
Mon Oct 11 11:29:58 BST 2010

George has KK <kist> [kiːst]. So, that's what the SWF starts out with unless it can be shown from evidence that this was not the case. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Everson
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2010 11:11 AM

"SWF gives kist but this must be [kiːst] according to the SWF's rules of length. But Nance and Williams give kyst [kɪst], not *kȳst, and Gendall gives kist [kɪst], not *kîst. A long vowel is incorrect here; the spelling in SWF should be kyst; it is kyst in KS."

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