[Spellyans] hour

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 12:06:58 BST 2010

Eur is spelt <ur> <vr> in the texts and occurs as far as I can see in such expressions as
pub eur, neb eur, i'n eur-na. In CW it is spelt <eare>. The word also occurs in

Why re dueth i’n uer gwelha
may halsough dos BK 1549-50.

Our occurs in 

me a thuk curyn a spern
nep try our adro thu'm pen RD 2554-55

and seems to be a different word.


On 2010 Hed 12, at 11:02, j.mills at email.com wrote:

> SWF has 2 words for 'hour' eur and our. Is this distinction really justified?
> Ol an gwella,
> Jon
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> Dr. Jon Mills, 
> University of Kent
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