[Spellyans] dictionnaire de l'Académie française

Christian Semmens christian.semmens at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 17:00:42 GMT 2011

I take your point, however your compromise does alleviate the issue. Though
it causes perhaps more than simple irritation I'll conceed.

Is there any way of communicating the lack of ŷ to font designers? I am
completely ignorant of the process by which fonts get created and published.

By the way Ceri, To Bach is only a solution for Widows users. Those of us
that eschew the Redmond monopolist must look elsewhere. A specific keyboard
map would be the simplest for most users.

In Ubuntu I use United Kindom Extended - with Winkeys on a Logitech Internet
350 keyboard with the otherwise dead Windoze keys. <Right WinKey> then <y>
then <Shift><6> gives me ŷ. Cumbersome, but it works. A remapped keyboard
would allow that with <Ctrl><Alt><letter> or <Ctrl><Alt Gr><letter>, or
whatever else you wished.

As to an SWF without an option for traditional wordforms... then there is no
SWF. For the traditional group they would revert to UC/R, KS and whatever
RLC are using today. Perhaps some would wish to continue to use SWF/T, but
that would be a pointless exercise as it would have no recognition amongst
those they wished to be their peers. The battle lines would be redrawn for
another generation, but this time with a split KK fighting to regain those
lost to SWF/K.

As a didactic tool KS is without doubt the best choice. Unencumbered with
dubious phonology and without ambiguous graphs it is the best orthography
Cornish has ever had for teaching the language and conveying the sounds to
learners. As a complete aside, aesthetically I prefer UCR, but this is not
(entirely) a beauty contest.


2011/1/31 Michael Everson <everson at evertype.com>

> On 31 Jan 2011, at 10:15, Christian Semmens wrote:
> >> Options are (1) Mandate ŷ/ê but permit ÿ/ë in fallback and (2) Use ÿ/ë
> but permit ŷ/ê and (3) Use ÿ/ë as at present.
> >
> > Option 1 would suit me fine. That way the technical deficiencies of some
> fonts would not drive orthographic design.
> An interesting view.
> > Surely the Welsh assembly can be tapped for help to make fonts suitable
> for their own use, which would also be suitable for our own purposes?
> I don't beleive so... I'm talking about TENS OF THOUSANDS of fonts. Not two
> dozen popular fonts. Not 17 "web-safe fonts". I mean artistic display fonts,
> and Gothic fonts, and the whole range of serif and sans-serif fonts.
> > It might even be possible to lobby the font makers themselves to include
> the extra character. On Linux, even my terminal font allows the use of ŷ.
> Yes, your terminal font does. But does the font that I used on the front
> cover of Alys in Pow an Anethow or Adro dhe'n Bÿs in Peswar Ugans Dëdh
> support it? (The answer is no, neither one did.)
> Surely you do not wish to leave it to me to write individually to a
> thousand font developers in order to make sure that they support ŷ.... ;-)
> > I have just trawled through the fonts on Libre Office (Open Office fork)
> on Ubuntu and attach the file I created that shows that ŷ is well served for
> fonts under the free office packages. I have attached it below
> That's 95 fonts.
> > Although I am sure that publishers will experience sometimes acute
> problems with font selection, most casual users will have no problem
> selecting a suitable font for most communications. I haven't tried a Mac
> yet.
> Please go to http://myfonts.com and count the fonts. There are more than
> 2500.
> Cornish users should not be limited by "most casual uses".
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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