[Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish

Hewitt, Stephen s.hewitt at unesco.org
Mon Jul 18 12:43:41 BST 2011

It is <piv> in the rather unsatisfactory ZH orthography. Etymologically, it is <piw> pronounced (3/4 of the Breton-speaking area) /piu/, extreme NE (Goelo, NEK) /pi(v)/, SE (Gwened/Vannes) /piɥ/. These are the regular reflexes of final <-w>.






From: spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of Jon Mills
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 1:36 PM
To: Standard Cornish discussion list
Subject: Re: [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish


Why does Bret. piv have a final <v>?
Ol an gwella,


	----- Original Message -----

	From: nicholas williams

	Sent: 07/18/11 10:15 AM

	To: Standard Cornish discussion list

	Subject: Re: [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish


	I don't think so. Cornish pyw, W. pwy and Bret. piv are from IE *kwei, *kweis, cf. Irish cia 'who?' and Latin quis. 




	On 2011 Gor 18, at 10:06, Craig Weatherhill wrote:


	Is this word not a compound of pe/py + yw?  If so, then it must surely be pyw, as SWF writes yw, 'is', not iw.


Dr. Jon Mills, 
University of Kent 

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