[Spellyans] Thank you

Eddie Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 21 15:26:01 BST 2011

On 2011 Gor 21, at 14:55, Mina Dresser wrote:

> Have been away for quite a while but in case   I rarely if ever contribute to your interesting debates.  However with regard to <whose> etc. i learned that to translate for example   "James whose brother played for Cornwall......" one would write "Jammes a neb an broder rig gwari rag Kernow ......" Disregarding  my modern Cornish spelling which is now defunct, can Nicholas  or anyone give an opinion please. most grateful. Mina Dresser

Or, based on the constructions in NJAW 2006 under 'whose', how about:
> Jamys, mayth wruk/wre y vroder gwary rak Kernow, yu trygys …

Eddie Climo
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