[Spellyans] relative pronoun

Daniel Prohaska daniel at ryan-prohaska.com
Tue Jul 26 14:18:51 BST 2011

Mina a scrifas:
“Have been away for quite a while but in case   I rarely if ever contribute to your interesting debates.  However with regard to <whose> etc. i learned that to translate for example   "James whose brother played for Cornwall......" one would write "Jammes a neb an broder rig gwari rag Kernow ......" Disregarding  my modern Cornish spelling which is now defunct, can Nicholas  or anyone give an opinion please. most grateful. Mina Dresser”
For ‘whom’ Thomas Boson has <do neb> (SWF dhe neb) in the Ten Commandments: “Naras hanwall de Arlith Deu heb oatham, rag na vedn an Arlith gave do Neb ra E hanwelle heb oatham”.
John Keigwin:
“Der Dew an Tas gevyans grontys Tha neb yw der pegh kelles”.
William Rowe has <thor neb> (SWF dhyworth/dort neb):
“Rag hedda Arleth Deew devenas Eve a rage thor thor paraves, tha gonez an noare, thor neb veva comeres.”
I cannot find an example of *a neb.
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