[Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
njawilliams at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 18:33:45 BST 2011
For 'activity' the glossary gives gwrians, plural *gwriansow. Gwrians has no plural.
For 'afflicted' the glossary gives plegys. The verbal adj. of plagya is plagys:
lemyn yth oma plagys CW 1576
a vyth plagys creys za ve CW 1615.
For 'get angry' the glossary gives serri; kemeres sorr.
It omits angra:
worth Ihesus rag y angre PA 195c
der henna me a angras CW 1683
Assof engrys BK 2156
yw engrez Rowe.
sorr is usually used with don, not kemeres:
Na thegough sor yn golon PA 37a
na thegovgh sor yn colon PC 539.
I can't find any example of kemeres sorr at the moment.
For 'anoint' the glossary gives *olewy. This word is unattested being borrowed from Breton.
The attested words are ùntya, anoyntya and ura:
a vgh crist rag y vntye PA 35a
an kigg ew anoyntis SA 60a
worth neb a wra ow vre PC 540.
For 'appear' the glossary gives omdhisqwedhes.
This is attested once:
ymthysquethas ny vynna the plussyon auelough why RD 1496-97.
A more common way of saying 'appear' is dysqwedhes:
ny wruk dev thy'm dysquethas vyth ny'n cresons ef neffre 'God did not appear to me; they will never believe it' OM 1440
e a vednyaz thoranze seer puna Termin reeg an Steare disquethaz Rowe
Elez Neeue a desquethaz ha Joseph a ve hendrez 'Angels from heaven appeared to Joseph who was asleep' Rowe.
Tregear uses apperya 14 times and SA has it once.
For 'article' the glossary inter alia gives erthygel. This word is unattested being borrowed from Welsh.
The attested word is artickel: dell vgy apperia owrth an artickell ma SA 64.
For 'ascend' the glossary gives yskynna, 'skydnya.
Skydnya means 'descend':
mehall yskydnyow eall splan hellowgh adam gans cletha dan hay wreage mes a baradice
'Michael, descend, bright angel, drive Adam with a sword and his wife out of paradise' CW 964-66
[spoken by the Father in Heaven]
The default word for 'ascend' is ascendya:
assendijs then neff inban BM 4052
then neff assendias inweth BM 4084
fatell rug crist assendia thyn neff TH 33a
ew ascendis then nef SA 59
mas Dew ascendias then neff SA 60.
For 'astray' the glossary gives yn sowdhan which occurs twice in TH but not elsewhere.
Tregear also has the stray x 1, in stray x 2 and war stray x 1, none of which is mentioned in the glossary.
For 'attach' the glossary gives staga. This word is unattested, having been borrowed from Breton.
The attested words are fastya/fasthe and tackya:
yn growys gans kentrow fastis PA 2d
del fastsens en colmennow PA 76b
worth an grovs rag y faste PA 180a
Han grous a ve drehevys ha Ihesus fasteys ynny PA 184a
may fastyo an colm wharre PC 1525
ha'y fastie gans ebyl pren PC 2563
th'aga fastye dyowgel PC 2572
yn pren crous rak y fastie PC 2666
hay yll leff a ve tackis ord en grows PA 179b
En lybell a ve tackis worth en grous PA 189a
ha pen arall o pytet tackis fast PA 223
gans kentrow worth an plynken bethens tackys PC 2517-18
tackeugh e a hugh y ben PC 2793
drou e thy'mmo the tackye a vgh y pen PC 2807-08
rag takkye an fals profus yn pren crous PC 2672-73
fast tackyes gans kentrow hern PC 2938.
That's enough from the letter A.
It isn't enough to have read the texts, the compilers should show that they have read them.
On 2011 Gor 27, at 16:58, Daniel Prohaska wrote:
> The compilers of the SWF glossary have read and continue to read the texts.”
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