[Spellyans] the glossary B

Craig Weatherhill craig at agantavas.org
Thu Jul 28 14:45:30 BST 2011

That's the spellcheck programme they used to produce the Trad.  
glossary.  It was instructed to turn every kw into qw.  Someone didn't  
proof read afterwards.


On 28 Gor 2011, at 10:41, nicholas williams wrote:

> The glossary has a headword bacqwards. This should be backwards.
> Under ‘bald’ the glossary gives mol. This is unattested. The  
> attested words are blogh and pylys:
> me a pylse the pen blogh BM 3828
> a chorll coth te pedn pylles CW 2318.
> The glossary s.v. ‘bath’ writes kibel f. This word is unattested in  
> the texts, being derived from Cornu-English kibble ‘tub’. The  
> glossary also cites badh which occurs twice in BM.  The glossary  
> does not mention keryn f. which occurs six times in BK as geren. Nor  
> does the glossary mention the abstract troncas which appears as  
> tronkys in BK: ow cul tronkys hedre ve ‘while you are taking a bath’  
> BK 1086.
> The glossary s.v. ‘beforehand’ says it is a preposition and glosses  
> it a-dherag. ‘Beforehand’ is an adverb. The Cornish is dherag dorn:
> me a leverys thewgh therag dorne in tyrmyn passys TH 16a
> hag eff the cowse in generally thethans y oll therag dorn TH 44a
> an re a ve therag dorne in della TH 57a
> na ve travith derag dorn SA 61a
> the changia pith ny ve derag dorn SA 62
> ha changya an pith na go derag dorne SA 62a
> or in some contexts, kyns lemmyn:
> kyns leman me a's guarnyas PC 757
> pertheugh cof ol an tokyn a leuerys kyns lemyn PC 1082
> why an Jeva sufficient declaracion anotha, kyns lymmyn in kythsame  
> godly homyles ma TH 30a
> kyns lemyn sure a gowzas ages bos why gucky CW 2422.
> Under ‘battle’ the glossary gives cas f. only. Batel, batallyow is  
> better attested, the first time in OM: rys yv dy'mmo lafurye the vn  
> vatel yredy OM 2176-77; cas and batel are mentioned together: hag in  
> batal hag in cas BK 1439. The glossary does not mention batel.
> ‘Battle’ in English is also a verb. This is batalyas in Cornish:
> orth escar crist batalyays BM 2474. The glossary does not mention  
> the verb.
> In the glossary the word ‘beggar’ is misplaced. There is no headword  
> ‘beg’.
> The glossary gives ‘below’ as an adverb. It is also a preposition.
> The glossary s.v. ‘better’ gives gwella. This is incorrect. Gwella  
> is superlative. The comparative ‘better’ is gwell, e.g. rag my ny  
> vezaf the well  ‘for I shall not be better’ BM 109
> Under ‘booklet’ the glossary gives RMC lyvrik, RLC lyvryn. Lyvrik is  
> unattested having been invented by Nance. Lyvryn appears in Lhuyd’s  
> gerlevran seventeen times. There is no need for the dialectal  
> distinction.
> The glossary for ‘Britain’ gives Breten. Breten by itself also means  
> ‘Brittany’; see BM passim. Britain is Breten Veur:
> erbyn Myghtern Bretyn Veor BK 1424
> rag Bretayn Veer the’th arluth mas BK 2124
> in Bretayn Ver curunys BK 3136.
> Under ‘build’ the glossary gives drehevel, derevel. The commonest  
> words for ‘to build’ in Cornish are gul and byldya.
> Arluth kepar del vynny an gorhel sur my a’n gura ‘Lord as thou wilt  
> indeed the ark, I shall build it’ OM 965-66
> yn enour dev my a vyn yn dre-mme gruthyl temple ‘in God’s honour in  
> this town I shall build a temple’ OM 2283-84
> Dauid ny wreth thy'mo chy yn certen bys venary ‘David, you shall not  
> indeed ever build me a house’ OM 2333-34
> henna yw pur scorn ha geys ragh y fue kyns y vos gurys dew vgens  
> blythen ha whe ‘that is mere scorn and mockery for it was forty six  
> years before it was built’ PC 349051
> Ny dale dieu gwile treven war an treath ‘you should not build houses  
> on the sand’ Jenkins.
> To use ‘to make’ for building a house is a common Celtic usage; cf.  
> Irish nuair a rinneadh an teach ‘when the house was built’, lit.  
> ‘when the house was made’.
> Cyte a ve settys bo byldys war meneth TH 17a
> ha buldyys owgh war an fondacion an abosteleth TH 33
> an catholyk egglos, a rug crist y honyn byldya TH 35a
> ha war an garrak ma me a vyn byldya ow egglos TH 44a
> an egglos a ve buldys warnotha TH 45a
> eff a rug buldya y egglos TH 45a
> ha war an garrak ma me a vyn buldya ow egglos TH 45a
> Ha y ma ow buldya y feith TH 48a
> Ew the vos buldys in kepar maner TH 41a
> bos sufficient grounde rag pub den da oll the byldya TH 55
> praga ew genas she omma buyldya lester mar worthy CW 2296-97.
> The glossary under ‘bush’ gives prysken f., prysk coll. This word is  
> unattested. The MC words for ‘bush’ are bos and bùsh:
> an bos nos dywy a wra saw nyns ugy ov lesky ‘that bush yonder is  
> blazing but it is not burning’ OM 1397-9.
> Aspyen orth en buschys BM 1023
> In hevelep a flam a dan ow tois mes a busche TH 55
> po in bushes ha brakes brase CW 1363
> yn cossowe hag in bushes CW 1520
> me a vyn mos tha gutha in neb bushe kythew thym greyf CW 1543-44
> me a weall un lodn pur vras hans in bushe ow plattya CW 1546-47
> prag yth osta in delma yn bushes ow crowetha CW 1606-07.
> Under ‘buzz’, the glossary gives ‘buzz off ‘and glosses it ke war  
> dha gamm! This is incorrect. Ke war dha gamm means ‘steady on, hold  
> on, not so fast’. ‘Buzz off’ is Gwev ow golok:
> Desympis gweyf ow golog! BK 570
> Desempys gueyf ow golok BK 993
> Desempis guef ow golog BK 3183
> or one uses the verb voydya ‘leave, depart’:
> bo voyd am syght a pur hond ‘or get out of my sight, you utter cur’  
> BM 2414
> rag henna voyde alema ‘so buzz off’ CW 1276.
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Craig Weatherhill

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