[Spellyans] 'payment'

nicholas williams njawilliams at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 09:11:24 BST 2011

This will be my last posting on the SWF glossary. The rest of my criticisms will be in the form of a full review which I shall in due course hand over to the new chairman.

The glossary for 'payment' gives talas m. talasow only. This word is an invention and appears for the first time in Cornish Dictionary Supplement 2 by Morris and Snell (1984).
The attested word is payment: xxx a vone yn vn payment y wrens ry PA 39d
To be fair to him, Nance cites payment as the only word for 'payment' in his 1952 dictionary.
I can undesrtand that the compilers might prefer the native-sounding invention *talas to the attested borrowing payment, but to have cited the invention, while ignoring the genuine word, is hardly scholarly. George's Gerlyver Kres is the source. Under 'payment' he gives *talas and payment is not mentioned.

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