July 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jul 13 10:41:08 BST 2011
Ending: Sun Jul 31 13:17:04 BST 2011
Messages: 202
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Jed Matthews
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Jed Matthews
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] latest, etc.
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Standardisation of Hebrew
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] latest, etc.
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] worthy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Jed Matthews
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] worthy
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] worthy
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] worthy
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] worthy
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] worthy
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] puns, pens
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] puns, pens
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] puns, pens
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Jon Mills
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Herbie Blackburn
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Jed Matthews
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
ewan wilson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] tavas in early Middle Cornish
Jed Matthews
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] 'who' in Cornish
ewan wilson
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Mina Dresser
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] Thank you
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Nance and the Cornish texts
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] The Cornish for 'fluent'
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] The Cornish for 'fluent'
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] The Cornish for 'fluent'
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] The Cornish for 'fluent'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] The Cornish for 'fluent'
- [Spellyans] "well done", "badly done" in Cornish
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] "well done", "badly done" in Cornish
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] "well done", "badly done" in Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] "well done", "badly done" in Cornish
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] 'to enjoy'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Further errors and purisms
Nicholas Williams
- [Spellyans] Further errors and purisms
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] It is possible my copy of "An Gerlyver Meur" has been altered by the piskies...
David Trethewey
- [Spellyans] Of course it is possible that all copies of An Gerlyver Meur were altered by the piskies since last time I wore a digital watch which is right now
David Trethewey
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
Ken MacKinnon
- [Spellyans] Nance's purism (again)
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] The recent englyn
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] Nance's purism (again)
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] Nance's purism (again)
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] relative pronoun
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] relative pronoun
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'wish' and 'truth'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] gwyw
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] ''special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] gwyw
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'special'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'special'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'receive'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'to work'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] process, proclaim
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] candlestick
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
Ken MacKinnon
- [Spellyans] Germany
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] Germany
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] the glossary B
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Hewitt, Stephen
- [Spellyans] An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
Ken MacKinnon
- [Spellyans] Germany
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] Germany
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] Germany
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] Germany
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
Craig Weatherhill
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] 'payment'
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
A. J. Trim
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
Eddie Climo
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
Deiniol Jones
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl and Glossary
Ray Chubb
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl and Glossary
Michael Everson
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl
nicholas williams
- [Spellyans] borrowing ~ purism
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl and Glossary
Daniel Prohaska
- [Spellyans] *gwruthyl and Glossary
Eddie Climo
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 13:17:04 BST 2011
Archived on: Tue Sep 24 09:15:35 BST 2024
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).