[Spellyans] gulas nef

Ken MacKinnon ken at ferintosh.org
Tue Apr 24 16:09:57 BST 2012

Many thanks for this, Nicholas.


I think by metre I was thinking more in terms of the individual lines rather than the whole stanzaic form.  (Not enough experience to form judgement on that.)


I am obliged to Michael for correction of my  ƺ to ʒ


-        Ken



From: spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of Nicholas Williams
Sent: 24 April 2012 11:06
To: Standard Cornish discussion list
Subject: Re: [Spellyans] gulas nef


The metre of PA is in the form of eight-lined stanzas of seven syllables each. The rhyme scheme is abababab. This stanzaic form is not particularly common. The only other example I can think of occurs at OM 1-80. 




Tays ha mab han speris sans

wy a bys a levn golon

Re wronte zeugh gras ha whans

ze wolsowas y basconn

Ha zymmo gras ha skyans

the zerevas par lauarow

may fo ze thu ze worthyans

ha sylwans zen enevow (PA 1a-d)




En tas a nef y'm gylwyr;

formyer pup tra a vyt gvrys

Onan ha try on yn gvyr

en tas ha’n map ha’n spyrys

ha hethyv me a thesyr

dre ov grath dalleth an beys

y lauaraf nef ha tyr

bethens formyys orth ov brys (OM 1-8).




On 24 Apr 2012, at 10:30, Ken MacKinnon wrote:

These are in a D metre, which is frequently encountered in this body of literature: late medieval Cornish religious verse.




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