[Spellyans] Dauns and dauncya

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Wed Apr 25 09:57:01 BST 2012

On 25 Apr 2012, at 08:59, Jon Mills wrote:

> Why interpret this grapheme as yogh? Surely it is <z>. It was common practice to write <z> with a long tail at this period.

It's been identified as a yogh at least since Stokes' 1872 edition of Beunans Meriasek. P. xiv:

"ȝ has two powers, dh (W. dd, English soft th) and y (ȝurl 1937, ȝesseys 2162, ȝethewon 2602, ȝehes 4231)."

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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