[Spellyans] SWF Review

Craig Weatherhill craig at agantavas.org
Mon Sep 17 13:07:01 BST 2012

Then we have place-name evidence.

TYWARNHAYLE has about 20 examples of <warn> from 960 AD onwards.  Here  
the H of <heyl> seems to be be treated as a pseudo-vowel, much like  
English "an historic occasion".


On 17 Gwn 2012, at 12:06, Nicholas Williams wrote:

> Since dhe'n (then) and y'n (yn, in) are attested, there is good  
> reason to use them in the revived language.
> I cannot find any example of war'n (or warn) for war an in Tregear.  
> I have found the following instances of war an written as two words  
> in Tregear’s homilies, however, and in Sacrament an Alter.
> war an ethen in eyer TH 2
> rag agys exortya why lymmyn war an dyweth TH 5
> nages vn den gwyrryan war an nore TH 8
> suffrys (vel scollis) war an growspren TH 11
> myrnans war an growsse TH 16
> war an diweth in y pistill TH 18
> kyffrys war an da han drog TH 22
> haga thynvyn glaw war an Just ha war an vniust TH 22
> war an re ew contrary in aga disposision TH 24a
> ow screffa war an pempas chapter a mathew TH 27a
> Cyta war an meneth TH 31a
> apparantly war an scriptur benegas, TH 32a
> war an fondacion an abosteleth TH 33
> an pen war an egglos TH 37a
> war an Emporowre Theodosius TH 39
> omma war an bys TH 41
> eff omma war an bys TH 41a
> ha war an garrak ma me a vyn byldya ow egglos TH 44
> pan a dra a rellow why kylmy war an nore TH 44a
> war an vi-as chapter an pistlis a S paull then Romains TH 45
> ha war an power ma eff a rug buldya y egglos TH 45a
> ha war an garrak ma me a vyn buldya ow egglos TH 45a
> war an succession an epscobow TH 48a
> ha war an heresy na TH 49a
> meras war an pow ha gwlasow TH 49a
> ha war an bobyll vs in captiuite TH 49a
> war an terribill sentens a S paule TH 51a
> in kepar maner war an aucthors an scripture TH 51a
> myrnans war an growse TH 54a
> war an vi chaptur a S Johan TH 57
> war an vi a Johan TH 57
> ow groundia aga honyn war an gyrryow agan Savyour Jhesu crist TH 57a
> in y exposition gwris war an 99 psalme TH 58
> fatla ew sittis onne Dew war an alter benegas SA 65a
> Onne a thew ew sittis war an alter SA 65a.
> Since there does not appear to be any example of war’n, warn ‘on  
> the’ anywhere, as far as I can see, perhaps it might be wiser not to  
> use such a form.
> Nicholas
> On 17 Sep 2012, at 11:16, Lowe Jenefer wrote:
>> The only reference we can find is in Ken George’s dictionary where  
>> he cites Tregear, war n. Might it simply have spread from the use  
>> of elision with other prepositions e.g. dhe’n, y’n,  where it is  
>> clearly because of the proximity of two vowels?
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