[Spellyans] 2013 SWF Review

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Thu Apr 18 13:18:47 BST 2013

On 18 Apr 2013, at 11:32, A. J. Trim <ajtrim at msn.com> wrote:

> As you may know, the MAGA Kernow website now has a link to “Collated issues for SWF review.pdf” / “List of issues raised for the SWF Review”.
> We have until the end of this month to comment.
> There are apparently 56 issues.

Yes, and the list is meaningless without context. I have said the following to Jenefer on the Corpus group list, and I am saying it now here.

Jenefer, if it hasn't been made clear to you, you cannot expect linguistic experts to comment on nothing but a set of issue titles. Each title came with a rationale from its submitter. WIthout the full set of rationales, it is not possible to give you feed back. And it is not reasonable to ask linguistic experts to guess.

Please supply a complete document. 

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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