[Spellyans] The sound of r

Christian Semmens christian.semmens at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 22:33:46 GMT 2013

No more, I suspect, than any new student of a foreign language is afraid to
speak, Janice.

There is no harm in pointing out that if you  say "Bon-Johwer Mon-Sewer" to
a French man he wouldn't consider it good pronunciation. If you are going
to make the effort to speak a language, you might as well make the effort
to try and sound intelligible. Also the problem here isn't the stumbling
attempts of a new learner to get their mouth around the sounds of an
unfamiliar language, it is the attempt to pass of a manufactured,
strangled, stilted and gargled fantasy of a phonology as not only
authentic, but as factually accurate.

Why would you even want to do such a thing?

The easiest thing to get a closer approximation of Cornish for those
hobbled with RP English is to get people to attempt to pronounce their r's,
forget the bogus trilling and coughing up that KK requires. That would take
them half way there.

I think what would be splendid is a resource like KDL but with the hideous
sounds evidenced there replaced with ones that approach what a real human
might have used. These free resources are very useful and KK has a strong
offering although I can't listen to it as it makes my hair stand on end,
and I can't look at it as KK makes my eyes bleed. But enough of my

On an earlier subject, I think the LawR pronunciation Ewan referred to
might be a representation of the extra vowel like sound added to the end of
East-end accent, like "Law-ah" and "Waw-ah" for Law and War? Is this the

On 12 December 2013 21:54, Michael Everson <everson at evertype.com> wrote:

> On 12 Dec 2013, at 21:15, Nicholas Williams <njawilliams at gmail.com> wrote:
> > He also says disy:l for Sunday.
> or indeed disjyːl
> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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