[Spellyans] The sound of r

Craig Weatherhill craig at agantavas.org
Fri Dec 13 10:22:08 GMT 2013

I do tend to use MAGA when I mean the CLP, so apologies for that, Ken.  However, the structure of the Partnership is far from being fairly balanced, and that's where the problem lies.

The imbalance also applies to the Signage Panel which began by being reasonably balanced but, now, the only voice there for Traditional Cornish is mine.  So it works within the "Main' form, which can be cringeworthy at times, especially when "hw" turns up, but I grit my teeth and hang in there.  To be fair, we all do work and discuss very well - far better than I would have imagined at the outset.  Of course, I concentrate upon the historic names which come up, and I do my best to come up with the best evidence and argument that I can to try to avoid the embarrassing mistakes of the past (see "Form and Content"). 

 It's been more than worthwhile because the very people I thought would not listen to me are actually prepared to listen.  They will ask the right sort of questions and (generally) accept the reply.  In several cases, this discussion has thrown new light on the derivation of a name, so it has been (and continues to be) a very constructive exercise.

The overall result is pleasing.  We've decided on Cornish forms for somewhere between 1200 and 1500 historic names.  Of those, I reject 5 completely, and question (to varying degrees) about a dozen.  Which isn't bad at all, and makes me feel that my time and effort IS fully worthwhile.  The Panel produces a master list in "Main" form only - I keep a duplicate which adds the Traditional form where it's required.

The one that really annoyed me was taken out of the Panel's hands, and you guess which one that was.  We're stuck (for now) with the awful: <Kammbronn>.  The Partnership, not the Panel, decided that one, and I still argue that they have insufficient knowledge to do so.  Their argument was that the form that appears on the Town Council's letterhead should not be altered……..     Even Albert confirms that it breaches SWF rules, and I was so close to getting a Panel agreement on <Kammbron/Cammbron>, which would have observed the rules (a form <Kambronn> is recorded in one C15 document, but misleadingly suggests a second syllable stress.  In the next line, the same scribe writes <Kambron>).

I am hopeful that this name can be revisited and reconsidered, and will continue to campaign for that.


On 2013 Kev 13, at 06:15, Ken MacKinnon wrote:

> To be fair to MAGA, they represent the Partnership, Craig, they have finite
> resources, few paid staff, and a very substantial slate of things which need
> to be done.
> - an Ken ken
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spellyans [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of Craig
> Weatherhill
> Sent: 12 December 2013 21:36
> To: Standard Cornish discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Spellyans] The sound of r
> Yes, not a very good attitude on MAGA's part, is it?
> Craig
> On 2013 Kev 12, at 20:51, Michael Everson wrote:
>> On 12 Dec 2013, at 17:01, Craig Weatherhill <craig at agantavas.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not prepared to deride some speakers on Radyo an G. for the very
> reasons you give, Eddie.  I'd just like them to look more closely at
> pronunciation.
>> I have been offering for years to transcribe some of the recordings MAGA
> has, but to date the offer has not been taken up. 
>> Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
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