[Spellyans] The sound of r

Craig Weatherhill craig at agantavas.org
Fri Dec 13 10:40:21 GMT 2013

As it has every right to do, Ray.  It s, by far, the most commonly found spelling of the name and can be found across 7 centuries!  It is, without any doubt, the most authentic form of the name.


On 2013 Kev 13, at 10:26, Ray Chubb wrote:

> Cowethas an Yeth Kernewek Cambron continues to use 'Cambron' at every opportunity.
> On 13 Kev 2013, at 10:22, Craig Weatherhill wrote:
>> The one that really annoyed me was taken out of the Panel's hands, and you guess which one that was.  We're stuck (for now) with the awful: <Kammbronn>.  The Partnership, not the Panel, decided that one, and I still argue that they have insufficient knowledge to do so.  Their argument was that the form that appears on the Town Council's letterhead should not be altered……..     Even Albert confirms that it breaches SWF rules, and I was so close to getting a Panel agreement on <Kammbron/Cammbron>, which would have observed the rules (a form <Kambronn> is recorded in one C15 document, but misleadingly suggests a second syllable stress.  In the next line, the same scribe writes <Kambron>).
> Ray Chubb
> Portreth
> Kernow
> Agan Tavas web site:  www.agantavas.com
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