[Spellyans] The sound of r

Lowe Jenefer jlowe at cornwall.gov.uk
Fri Dec 13 14:44:18 GMT 2013

I was responding to the post about Radyo an Gernewegva, not anything


Jenefer Lowe

Development Manager / Dyghtyer displegya

Cornish Language Partnership / Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek

Cornwall Council / Konsel Kernow

Dalvenie House / Chi Dalvenie

County Hall / Lys Kernow




 internal tel: pell. ajy: 493465

tel: / pell: 01872 323465

email / ebost: jlowe at cornwall.gov.uk <mailto:jlowe at cornwall.gov.uk> 

website / gwiasva : www.magakernow.org.uk


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The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by the Department for
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Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw provies gans an Asran rag
Kemenethow ha Governans Leel, ha Konsel Kernow



From: Spellyans [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of
Eddie Climo
Sent: 13 December 2013 13:24
To: Standard Cornish discussion list
Subject: Re: [Spellyans] The sound of r


You make a good point, Jennifer, and it's certainly valid for everyday
use of the language, as we hear it in 'Radyo an Gernewegva', for
instance, or at a Yeth an Weryn, where ordinary Kernwegoryon are
chatting or reciting.


However, those who set themselves up as role models for
others--teachers, writers, lexicographers, creators of text books and
teaching resources, editors, and the like--for them, we must expect a
higher standard. Speaking as a writer and publisher, that's one of my
main aspirations (no matter how flawed the execution might be).


And that's the standard by which this KDL lesson audio file must be


On RanG or in the pub, it would be inappropriate to voice harsh
criticism of such pronunciation; but if I were to publish anything as
erroneus as that, not only would it be doing learners a favour to
lambast it publicly, but also it would be doing me a favour to point out
the error of my ways.

So I say, "Kesva, KDL--rak meth dheugh a dhyllo ha scodhya neppyth mar

Eddie Climo

On 13 Dec 2013, at 12:41, "Lowe Jenefer" <jlowe at cornwall.gov.uk> wrote:

	May I also point out that when confronted with a microphone,
even the best of speakers will often falter - in any language! For
myself I would rather hear someone speaking naturally and with some
questionable pronunciations thrown in, than hear someone who is so
careful about trying to stick to an aspirational pronunciation (of
whatever persuasion) that they lose all semblance of fluency.

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