[Spellyans] The sound of r

Daniel Prohaska daniel at ryan-prohaska.com
Fri Dec 13 16:11:15 GMT 2013

Jenefer wheg, ha cowetha erel ewedh, 

Meur ras dhis a'th cowsel adreus e'n mater ma. Besy ew raga nei remembra dr'o nei dyskyblon oll. Ha gwir os ta, Jenefer, pa thes'ta o leverel dr'ella nei oll cabmwul, en arbednek mars eus microfon dheragon! En certan, thew posek ewedh, dr'ujy an dhescadoryon ha'n descadoresow o tisqwedhes leveryans vas dhe'ga dhyskyblon anjei, ha heb mar henn ew pur vesy en recordyansow levow. Abera dhodhan'jei, nei obma a alja gweres dhodhans owna an cabmgemeryansow bian, bus soweth, ma pobel o predery bos discortes owna tus ha benenes erel en maters a leveryans. E'n barth aral ma meur a Gernowegoryon ha Kernowegoresow eus whans dhodhans gwellhe aga leveryans anjei. Ytho, pandr'ella nei gwul?

Udn pella poynt a skians: Na wore'nei en pe vaner a veu cowsys Kernowek hengovek. Nag elle'nei leverel poran fatel vedha leveryans an /r/, bo son aral. Ytho, me ewedh a venja gwarnya warbydn jujjya leveryans an bobel re anwhek, bes nei a res gweres a'n eyl dh'y gila en maner wheg ha cortes, en arbednek, obma en cowsva open pecar'a holma. 

Ehes da ha sowena dhe whei oll, 


On Dec 13, 2013, at 1:41 PM, Lowe Jenefer wrote:

> May I also point out that when confronted with a microphone, even the best of speakers will often falter – in any language! For myself I would rather hear someone speaking naturally and with some questionable pronunciations thrown in, than hear someone who is so careful about trying to stick to an aspirational pronunciation (of whatever persuasion) that they lose all semblance of fluency.
> There are also a number of speakers (and I would count myself among them) who began learning Cornish in the seventies, when a lot of the Cornish pronunciation around was very English and RP, and have since gone through quite a number of different iterations. This makes it inevitable that we have speakers whose Cornish pronunciation is mixed and probably not what anyone would aspire to – add a microphone and general nervousness and I am sure it often does not come out as intended! It is also inevitable that as Cornish speakers come together more, become accustomed to each other’s pronunciation and become more fluent, pronunciation will alter – surely that is also the sign of a living language?
> Jenefer Lowe
> Development Manager / Dyghtyer displegya
> Cornish Language Partnership / Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek
> Cornwall Council / Konsel Kernow
> Dalvenie House / Chi Dalvenie
> County Hall / Lys Kernow
> Truro
> TR1 3AY
>  internal tel: pell. ajy: 493465
> tel: / pell: 01872 323465
> email / ebost: jlowe at cornwall.gov.uk
> website / gwiasva : www.magakernow.org.uk  
> Gwrewgh agan sewya der Twitter!
> @magakernow
> Gwrewgh agan kavos der Facebook!  Find us on Facebook! 
> www.facebook.com/magakernow
> The Cornish Language Partnership is funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government and Cornwall Council.
> Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves Kernewek yw provies gans an Asran rag Kemenethow ha Governans Leel, ha Konsel Kernow
>  <image001.jpg>
> From: Spellyans [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of Linus Band
> Sent: 13 December 2013 08:55
> To: Standard Cornish discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Spellyans] The sound of r
> May I suggest that if people are so frustrated with the pronunciation on RanG that they just offer to do some recordings for it every now and then themselves? I've very often noticed that Matthi was looking for people to record something for the podcast but no one responded at all. From what I understand, Matthi is not interested in the 'politics', so I can't see why anyone would not be allowed to be on the podcast. RanG is the most visible piece of electronic media that the Cornish language community has and I think that it should be appreciated how much it does for the community. It's a fun programme. 
> All the best,
> Linus
> 2013/12/13 Ken MacKinnon <ken at ferintosh.org>
> To be fair to MAGA, they represent the Partnership, Craig, they have finite
> resources, few paid staff, and a very substantial slate of things which need
> to be done.
> - an Ken ken
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spellyans [mailto:spellyans-bounces at kernowek.net] On Behalf Of Craig
> Weatherhill
> Sent: 12 December 2013 21:36
> To: Standard Cornish discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Spellyans] The sound of r
> Yes, not a very good attitude on MAGA's part, is it?
> Craig
> On 2013 Kev 12, at 20:51, Michael Everson wrote:
> > On 12 Dec 2013, at 17:01, Craig Weatherhill <craig at agantavas.org> wrote:
> >
> >> I'm not prepared to deride some speakers on Radyo an G. for the very
> reasons you give, Eddie.  I'd just like them to look more closely at
> pronunciation.
> >
> > I have been offering for years to transcribe some of the recordings MAGA
> has, but to date the offer has not been taken up.
> >
> > Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/
> >
> >
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