[Spellyans] lyver noweth GanO: 'An Yeryk Ruth'

Hedley Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jun 1 14:46:56 BST 2013

A gowetha whek,

Lowen of deryvas bos lyvryn noweth dyllys an jeth hedhyu gans Gwask an Orlewen rak dallethoryon ha redyoryon yowynk:

38a) An Yeryk Ruth. Florence White Williams, tr. Eddie Climo
	(32ff, A5, adhen vedhel, £4.45 - dyscont 10%, KU)
	Whethel fay murgerys, gans lymnansow mur aga dynyans gans an auctoures (gwyn-ha-du + los).
	Yma kefrys dyllans r-lyver yn Sawsnek, a alsa gweres dhe dhallethoryon ow redya an Kernewek.

38b) The Little Red Hen. Florence White Williams
	(32ff, , 4.25" x 6.875", £0.00 PDF e-book, Eng.)
	A much-loved fairy tale, with delightful illustrations by the writer (black-&-white + colour).

Gans pup bolunjeth da dheugh,

Eddie Climo
Gwask an Orlewen
	Kernewek Squyr–Ny Dhegoth Ken!

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