[Spellyans] SWF review

Eddie Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 9 23:27:24 BST 2014

Agreed, Clive. And it should be noted that, like Craig and Ray and unlike (sorry, guys!) Michael and Nicholas (and me, in fact), you write as one who actually teaches Cornish language learners, and has done for many years.

Eddie Climo

On 9 May 2014, at 20:37, Clive Baker <clive.baker at gmail.com> wrote:

> The alternation flogh / flehes is really really easy to learn. Anyone can do it. It’s [floːx] / [ˈflɛhǝs]. It isn’t [ˈflɛxǝs]. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t have the linguistic facts behind him.
> come on Michael... anything is easy to learn by anyone my friend...otherwise no-one would be speaking English with all its idiosyncracies...as I wrote earlier, it is good for my students at least, that they can see the link between flogh and fleghes, and just as they learn that vowel sounds change when another syllable is added in English, they it is a simple rule to say that medial gh is pronounced h whilst final gh is pronounced gh... I really see no problem, and I am certainly not one of the ignorami to which you seem to refer
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