[Spellyans] SWF review

Daniel Prohaska daniel at ryan-prohaska.com
Fri May 9 14:05:41 BST 2014

The (ex-)KKers on the Review board completely ignored and excluded the wishes and desires of the Modern (Revived Late) Cornish speakers who in their pre-SWF orthographies only wrote ‹h› and never ‹gh›. Writing word final and pre-consonantal ‹gh› was a compromise on their (our) part, and the return to the overly mediaevalist intervocalic ‹gh› spellings is a further slap in the face of the Modern Cornish users. 

On May 9, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Philip Newton wrote:

> On 9 May 2014 10:31, Ray Chubb <ray at spyrys.org> wrote:
>> The only reason that the Review Board decided to 'dumb up' on this issue is
>> because medial 'gh' is part of Kernewek Kemyn.
> Do you have a source for that?
> Because my assumption was that they did it as a measure to make SWF
> more similar to those things that are shared by UC and KK—a kind of
> reconciliation.
> Since UC seems to be used by more people than UCR, so this change
> would make SWF more similar to what most people previously used.
> Cheers,
> Philip
> -- 
> Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>
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