[Spellyans] Lyver noweth GanO, mys Ebril: '12 Poynt a Skyans'

Eddie Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Apr 13 22:55:00 BST 2015

On 2015 Ebr 13, at 19:52, Janice Lobb <janicelobb at gmail.com> wrote:
> This looks great, Eddie. Is this the one with our Late Cornish version in it?
> Jan

Jan whek,

Glad you like the cover; it was fun to design. This 3rd book in the series is just in UC—but if you wanted to adapt its 4 short play-scripts into LC, I’d be delighted to publish it, and let the Cussel have copies at cost price, or a free printable PDF ebook copy if you preferred in that format (or both!).

The 1st book in the series has LC versions of the story (Lhuyd's and Boson’s texts), as well as some MC transcriptions, and lots of versions from around the world. The title is ‘Jooan Chei an Horr / Jowan Chy an Horth’ and it came out this January. It’s only available as a printed book.

However, with help from Dan Prohaska (who provided some of the LC texts), there should be a 6-way booklet of the story coming out fairly soon. That one will have 6 versions of the story set parallel, a verse at a time, and will include:
	• Lhuyd’s text,
	• The Bosons’ 14 verses
	• an English translation
	• SWF/T-Late
	• RLC ‘House Style'
	• UCR
The main purpose of this edition is fairly obvious: to allow students to familiarise themselves with the story in other versions of Cornish than the one they're most familiar with. And the English is there, of course, to help anyone whose Cornish might not yet be quite up to handing text at this level.

I’ll let you and Neil know when that one does come out, hopefully some time next month. 

And do bear in mind that I’d be happy to reprint LC editions just about any of the printed books, or free e-books, that I’ve produced, with just one wee proviso—as I lack the LC knowledge to adapth them myself, someone in the Cussel would have to write the adaptation and do proof-reading.

Hem yu oll an ur-ma, sos.

Oll an gwella dhys,

Eddie Climo
Gwask an Orlewen
	Scoth Kernewek Gwyr—a bup eghen!
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