[Spellyans] Lyver noweth GanO, mys Ebril: '12 Poynt a Skyans'
Janice Lobb
janicelobb at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 23:10:42 BST 2015
meur ras dhis
On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Eddie Climo <eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk>
> On 2015 Ebr 13, at 19:52, Janice Lobb <janicelobb at gmail.com> wrote:
> This looks great, Eddie. Is this the one with our Late Cornish version in
> it?
> Jan
> Jan whek,
> Glad you like the cover; it was fun to design. This 3rd book in the series
> is just in UC—but if you wanted to adapt its 4 short play-scripts into LC,
> I’d be delighted to publish it, and let the Cussel have copies at cost
> price, or a free printable PDF ebook copy if you preferred in that format
> (or both!).
> The 1st book in the series has LC versions of the story (Lhuyd's and
> Boson’s texts), as well as some MC transcriptions, and lots of versions
> from around the world. The title is *‘Jooan Chei an Horr / Jowan Chy an
> Horth’ *and it came out this January. It’s only available as a printed
> book.
> However, with help from Dan Prohaska (who provided some of the LC texts),
> there should be a 6-way booklet of the story coming out fairly soon. That
> one will have 6 versions of the story set parallel, a verse at a time, and
> will include:
> • Lhuyd’s text,
> • The Bosons’ 14 verses
> • an English translation
> • SWF/T-Late
> • RLC ‘House Style'
> • UCR
> The main purpose of this edition is fairly obvious: to allow students to
> familiarise themselves with the story in other versions of Cornish than the
> one they're most familiar with. And the English is there, of course, to
> help anyone whose Cornish might not yet be quite up to handing text at this
> level.
> I’ll let you and Neil know when that one does come out, hopefully some
> time next month.
> And do bear in mind that I’d be happy to reprint LC editions just about
> any of the printed books, or free e-books, that I’ve produced, with just
> one wee proviso—as I lack the LC knowledge to adapth them myself, someone
> in the Cussel would have to write the adaptation and do proof-reading.
> Hem yu oll an ur-ma, sos.
> Oll an gwella dhys,
> Eddie Climo
> Gwask an Orlewen
> *Scoth Kernewek Gwyr—a bup eghen!*
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