[Spellyans] Excel SWF-KK-Traditional Corpus-WIP
Nicholas Williams
njawilliams at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 12:38:16 GMT 2016
In your Concise Dictionary, Craig, you cite Unyredreth from 1563. This toponym is in two parts: Uny and Redreth.
The reduced vowel in the second syllable of Redreth seems to indicate that the second element was unstressed.
I am grateful to you for drawing attention to the unassibilated dr in Madron.
It seems that r in Old Cornish strengthened a preceding d from a lenis (which was assibilated in MC)
to a fortis, i.e. similar in strength to initial d in such words as da, don, debry, etc. As a result the d did not assibilate in
MC to dz > z (written s) or in some cases to dz > dzh; e.g. gallosek PC 1906 but gallogek PC 2376.
When r occurred before or after d but separated only by a vowel, the same strengthening seems to have occurred,
so we have broder ‘brother’, lader ‘thief’, peswar but peder feminine, Peder/Pedyr ‘Peter’, pehador ‘sinner’, prydyth ‘poet’, lader ‘thief’, predery ‘to think’, preder ‘thought’, pader ‘prayer’, etc. Notice also hus ‘magic’ PC 2695, BM 3376; but huder ‘enchanter, magician’ OM 565, PC 1831, RD 2004.
I seems that the consonant /l/ had the same strengthening effect, so we have scudel ‘dish’ without assibiliation.
Notice also skians, skiansek but skentyl, skentoleth.
> On 29 Jan 2016, at 22:21, Craig Weatherhill <craig at agantavas.org> wrote:
> I tried hard to argue the case for Resrudh on the Signage Panel, but was outvoted on that. (Res- is retained by the SWF names when unstressed. Rys only when stressed).
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