[Spellyans] [Agantavas] Adjectives in -(y)ek and -(y)el

Janice Lobb janicelobb at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 14:56:35 GMT 2017

Meur ras dhe whei rag an gevren


On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Nicholas Williams <njawilliams at gmail.com>

> The title Akademi (Academy) like that of the Cornish Language Board is
> entirely self-inflicted. Those operating the new arrangements do not appear
> to have
> been chosen after any selection process. They were just appointed. This
> gives a wrong impression to outsiders. Several people have expressed unease
> to me for example whether the person in charge of research is really
> entirely suitable, given that his views on the Cornish language have been
> questioned by Celtic scholars. Had the academic claims of Kernewek Kemmyn
> been sustainable, it would have been chosen as the SWF. As it was the
> Commission considered that form of Cornish unsuitable for general use since
> it was a “construal”. In this context the video by John Mills "Etymology
> and the relexification of Cornish in the 20th Century" on Youtube is
> particularly instructive. In the video, inter alia, Jon analyses the
> inconsistent purism in the dictionaries of Kernewek Kemmyn, whose compiler
> now officially leads Cornish language research:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0iwUqQHeWE&t=663s  I recommend the video
> to all members of this forum.
> Since the Revival has reached a point where it is getting public
> recognition, those in charge of language planning at all levels should
> preferably be qualified professionals. They should at least be chosen after
> a rigorous selection process.
> Nicholas
> On 5 Mar 2017, at 13:11, Ray Chubb <ray at spyrys.org> wrote:
> On it rests the whole Akademi principle, Nicholas has already pointed out
> the doubtful Cornish on the web site. Anything that calls itself an academy
> should be worthy of the name which it will not be if it simply follows the
> practices of the Cornish Language Board.
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