[Spellyans] UC/UCR

Hedley Climo eddie_climo at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 14 11:02:54 GMT 2012

On 2012 Du 14, at 09:47, Ray Chubb wrote:
> No we shouldn't get bogged down in UC/UCr on this forum except from the point of view of countering those on this forum who want KS to replace everything that went before in the same way that there are people who want the SWF to replace everything that went before.

And let us remember that KK likewise was unveiled as an orthography that was so good that it would replace all that had preceded it.

> Ewan is perfectly correct, if the Cornish revival is to have any credibility with academia we must have something that at least has the same aims as UC/UCr.

KK was never accepted within academia, and I find it hard to imagine that the SWF--in any of its many forms, but especially the KKish one--would be either.

Eddie Climo

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